Accessibility in cities and the Access City Awards.

Accessibility in cities and the Access City Awards.

People with disabilities face physical barriers and behaviors that hinder their full inclusion in society. The number of people with disabilities grows as the population ages. In Europe, society is essentially urban, with four out of five citizens living in towns and...

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Accessible products and services.

Accessible products and services.

The demand for accessible products and services in the United States and Canada is already high, and the number of citizens with disabilities or functional limitations who need them is set to grow significantly with the progressive aging of the population. In an...

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City of Charlotte, NC, installation of Vectorial® system.

City of Charlotte, NC, installation of Vectorial® system.

The city of Charlotte, NC, is the latest addition to the list of US cities that have installed the Vectorial® system bus boarder. The project consists of the installation of two floating bus boarders with integrated bike lanes along 4th Street, one of the busiest...

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Our proposed solutions, configurations, and customizations. help experts in the cities or organizations that purchase our products to make their decisions, but they are purely consultative. Under no circumstances can they be considered construction documents. The experts from these cities or companies are solely responsible for adopting the final solutions, configurations or customizations and ensuring that these comply with the town planning, traffic, safety, or any other applicable regulations in force at all times in each location.