Accessible bus stop designs with the Vectorial ® system

Accessible bus stop designs with the Vectorial ® system

Innovative and accesible bus stop designs. Vectorial® System platform for urban mobility.1. Bus platform as sidewalk extension.Successful case study: bus stop improvement making it accessible and more comfortable for bus users. 2. Bus platform with integrated bike...

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Barcelona is working to become a 100% accessible city.

Barcelona is working to become a 100% accessible city.

What do we know about universal accessibility? Universal accessibility means much more than being able to put a wheelchair on the bus or that a vision impaired person can cross a crosswalk because of the beeps that the traffic light emits when it turns green....

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Our proposed solutions, configurations, and customizations. help experts in the cities or organizations that purchase our products to make their decisions, but they are purely consultative. Under no circumstances can they be considered construction documents. The experts from these cities or companies are solely responsible for adopting the final solutions, configurations or customizations and ensuring that these comply with the town planning, traffic, safety, or any other applicable regulations in force at all times in each location.