
Redesigning streets for people.

24 Nov, 2019 | City | 0 comments

At ZICLA we believe that a commitment to sustainable mobility, which includes walking, cycling and public transport, is the way to achieve accessible, inclusive and friendly streets with a small environmental footprint. Promoting sustainable mobility is one of the ways to reduce the pollution of our cities, which is the cause of many diseases and premature deaths.

With a growing world urban population, it is more important than ever that streets are both quality public spaces and places moving as many people as possible in the most efficient ways.

The traditional method of measuring a street’s capacity has been based on the vehicle count and their speeds. This method has focused on measuring vehicle capacity, without considering the number of people who can occupy each of them.

Measuring the numbers.

Measuring the number of people moving on a street presents a much more complete picture of how residents and visitors to a city move around:

  • A single lane of private vehicle traffic can move from 600 to 1,600 people per hour.
  • Up to 8,000 people can move per hour along a bike lane.
  • A sidewalk can accommodate up to 9,000 pedestrians per hour.
  • An exclusive bus lane can move up to 25,000 people per hour in each direction of travel.

These figures make us reflect on how we are using public space in cities and what we can do in the future with it to maximize its usefulness and do it in the most sustainable way possible.

National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO).

We invite you to visit the next publication of the National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO), which dynamically illustrates how the streets with the highest capacity are the ones that prioritize pedestrians, bicycles and public transport.


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Our proposed solutions, configurations, and customizations. help experts in the cities or organizations that purchase our products to make their decisions, but they are purely consultative. Under no circumstances can they be considered construction documents. The experts from these cities or companies are solely responsible for adopting the final solutions, configurations or customizations and ensuring that these comply with the town planning, traffic, safety, or any other applicable regulations in force at all times in each location.