
ZICLA official sponsor of Zaragoza City of Bikes.

24 Apr, 2017 | City, NEWS | 0 comments

zicla patrocina zaragoza ciudad de las bicisFrom the 27th to the 30th of April,  Zaragoza will literally become the city of Bikes as the 1st International Forum “Zaragoza es Bici” will be held.   Simultaneously, the XIV Iberian Congress “The Bicycle and the City” and the II Urban Festival ” Cyclists´ Cultures.”

The event, one of the most ambitious at the state level, wants to recover the bicycle as an instrument and as a solution to urban problems. This initiative is sponsored by Zicla, which supports events that focus on sustainable mobility.


Basic themes of Zaragoza, the City of Bikes.

  • The basic themes of Zaragoza, the City of Bikes will be five:
  • Cycling cities
  • Innovation and economic development
  • Publicity and training
  • The bike in the public space
  • Cycling culture.

During this conference will be discussed, among other issues, the Strategic  State Plan for the Bicycle, its economic impact, the implementation of cycling training, and social movements.

The parallel activities.

The nourished program will be accompanied by parallel activities such as the 1st Women Cyclists Meeting, the Assembly of the State Coordinator ConBici, the Board of Cities Network for the Bicycle and the presentation of the Spanish Association of Cyclists.

The guests.

Among the guests to this conference are:

  • Esther Anaya (Public Bike Observatory).
  • Gregorio Serrano (Director of the General Directorate of Traffic).
  •  Antoni Poveda (President of the Network of Cities for the Bicycle).
  •  Francisco Bastida (Spanish Board for  Bicycles).
  •  Mercedes Vidal (Councilor for Mobility of Barcelona City Council).
  • Teresa Artigas (Councilor for Mobility of the City of Zaragoza).


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