
ZICLA in SwitchMed Connect 2016.

16 Oct, 2016 | NEWS | 0 comments


ZICLA took part in the SwitchMed Connect 2016, an annual gathering of stakeholders seeking to build synergies, exchange knowledge and scale up social and eco innovations, co-organizing the session “Entrepreneurs Track 2: Circular Economy Opportunities in the Mediterranean Cities“.



SwitchMed is an initiative that supports and connects stakeholders to scale-up social and eco innovations in the Mediterranean countries, a huge region that shares a common culture of innovation and progress based on care for the environment and the efficient use of resources. Its mission is to provide all Mediterranean stakeholders, with tools and connections to supporting partners for social and eco innovations, to achieve productive, circular and sharing economies.

SwitchMed is collaboratively coordinated by the EU, United Nations Industrial Development Organizations (UNIDO), United Nations Environment Program Mediterranean Action Plan (UNEP/MAP), its Regional Activity Centre for Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP/RAC in Catalonia) and the UNEP-DTIE (Division of Technology, Industry and Economics).



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Our proposed solutions, configurations, and customizations. help experts in the cities or organizations that purchase our products to make their decisions, but they are purely consultative. Under no circumstances can they be considered construction documents. The experts from these cities or companies are solely responsible for adopting the final solutions, configurations or customizations and ensuring that these comply with the town planning, traffic, safety, or any other applicable regulations in force at all times in each location.