

15 Mar, 2020 | NEWS | 0 comments

Dear Customers, dear Friends:

Due to the uncertainty and concern generated by the new coronavirus, COVID-19, we want to share with you the precautions we have decided to take to protect the ZICLA team and our community, to limit risk, and thus to help a prompt return to normality.

Until COVID-19 is better understood and the risk of contagion is reduced, ZICLA team members will work remotely from our homes. We believe this temporary work policy will help limit our exposure, thereby reducing the likelihood of contracting and spreading the virus in the city.

In any case, we hope to continue offering you our services, we remain at your disposal to answer your queries and eventually carry out the virtual meetings that are necessary to clarify any doubts related to your projects and our solutions and products.

With the best wishes of well-being from the ZICLA team.

Wishing you all good health,


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Our proposed solutions, configurations, and customizations. help experts in the cities or organizations that purchase our products to make their decisions, but they are purely consultative. Under no circumstances can they be considered construction documents. The experts from these cities or companies are solely responsible for adopting the final solutions, configurations or customizations and ensuring that these comply with the town planning, traffic, safety, or any other applicable regulations in force at all times in each location.